I tried it on PSX, and then DC but they didn't capture it. I've always thought the Arcade version was the best one. On Playstation these games were harder to aim. I think the accuraccy was very lenient in the arcade, somehow its kind of hard to miss targets. You could do the hair trigger trick, by holding the gun in your non dominant hand and then using your index on the trigger essentially making it a machine gun. I beat it also, not on 1 credit but I think 2 or 3. This cab was always occupied for a good 5 years. I played many, many arcade games but if I have to name a few favourites, they're probably: I've always been an arcade nut, but sadly it died down in the early 2k's. Rastan and R-Type cabinets next to each other at the local arcade, people gathering behind me to watch me play Parodius like I owned the place. Sneaking out while parents were napping to go play Last Duel in the hot 1987 summer afternoons. Or when the owner of an arcade near mom's workplace (a friend of hers) gave me this huge bag of coins to keep me entertained while she (a teacher) was at school for some meeting and I spent what seemed like hours playing Mag Max and was absolutely ecstatic. Like when i peed myself because I couldn't stop playing Triple Punch (as a 6 years old) standing on a stool in a bar near home. My early years are defined by them or episodes happening around them. I saw every new place we visited with my parents as an opportunity to see new and exotic cabinets scattered around small businesses. I could stare at cabinets in amazement for hours, I was kind of obsessed really.

Arcades were just magical for me as a little kid.